


Inceptia is working with the 网赌论坛有哪些 to give you a leg up on financial education with our online program, 金融大街. 金融大街 will provide you with smart resources to help demystify the world of personal finance. Trust us – getting a handle on your money doesn’t have to feel overwhelming or restrictive. It’s all about empowering yourself with smart basics, and planning from there.


With Inceptia’s money mascot – the Knowl – as your trusty guide, you can choose from ten online courses that take on big financial topics, without all of the snore-inducing jargon that you may have seen before. 使用测试, 视频, 互动工具, 以及易于理解的技巧, 《网赌论坛有哪些》解释了以下主题:

  • 支付大学学费
  • 预算
  • 信用和身份盗窃
  • 职业规划
  • 管理学生贷款
  • 理解薪水

The Knowl even explains bigger concepts like the psychology of money, which helps you to understand your personal relationship with money, 为什么你要这样花钱.



你是否在准备上大学, 或者已经注册, 未来的学生和现在的学生都将受益. 无论你是否借过学生贷款, 所有的学生都需要为自己的财务未来做计划. 每个人都有金融大道.




加入金融大道网赌论坛有哪些的自定义URL,或去 金融大街 并在城市/州下拉菜单中找到我们的学校.


与金融大道和知识, you will receive an online experience customized to your needs, 所有课程均在以下范围内:



欢迎来到金钱心理学, a course that’s going to teach you a little bit about your brain, 还有很多关于大脑对金钱的反应. Don’t worry, you’re still going to learn about budgeting, saving and other financial must-knows. 你会在其他课程中发现这些. 但首先, you’ve got to understand why humans handle money the way we do, and why sometimes your brain is your own worst financial enemy.


但这到底是什么意思呢? 这是一个很简单的方程. Is the money you’ll earn – or the opportunities that will arise – because of your college degree be worth the money you paid for it? 在本课程中, the Knowl will give you some good info about maximizing the value you get from your college investment, 在最小化成本的同时.


对我们许多人来说,学生贷款不是可选的. But they can quickly turn into a scary tangle of debt, stress, and confusion. 在本课程中, the Knowl will help make things easy and give you a clear understanding of how loans work, and how to manage and pay them off without the stress.


You’ve heard about how important knowing your credit score is, right? Your credit score and credit history form the basis for what we call your financial story. It’s a complete picture of your financial health and your future potential. 能够按照你想要的方式构思你的故事, 确保安全, 这门课的全部内容是什么.


想想债务就没什么意思了. And it’s even less fun thinking about how you’ll pay it off.  但诺尔会让事情变得简单, so debt doesn’t become a major problem that messes up your financial life. 关键是要以正确的方式看待债务, as a balancing act between the needs of the “present you” and the “future you.”


Saving an extra $1,000 to spend on something special sounds pretty sweet, right? The Knowl knows how to get this done, with three, very doable steps. Naturally, he calls it “the Knowl way to stash away $1K.” This course lays it out, and in the process gives you a solid foundation in money management.


Filling out and submitting the FAFSA is one of the key steps in getting financial aid for college. 而且不仅仅是联邦政府的援助. Most schools require you to fill out the FAFSA no matter what, 而获得国家援助往往依赖于它. 在本课程中, the Knowl gives you all the FAFSA knowledge you need to take care of this important step.


In the courses you’ve been taking, you’ve learned how to save, spend and manage your money. But you need one final piece to fall into place: how to earn money. The Knowl kicks off this course with the Money Making Blueprint.

Every day, ads and commercials pressure you to buy things, and more things, more often. 这就是我们消费社会的运作方式. It’s not that spending is bad – you just need to have the know-how to spend money wisely. 是的,你以前听说过.

We’ve got some tried and true strategies to help you make smart choices about your spending and borrowing. Strategies that will put you in control of your own money.


There are many decisions to be made about your money today – and about your money in the future. But learning how to make good decisions takes a lot of trial and error. The Knowl doesn’t want you to lose your hard-earned money if he can help it, 在这门课上, you get to make money decisions for two virtual people – Ms. A和先生. B. By letting them make the mistakes, you can do all the learning, without the losing.


债务是一个四个字母的单词. 但金融大道可以提供帮助. 如果你的助学贷款让你陷入困境, take control with 金融大街 by learning about plans that lower your payments, 暂时暂停付款的方法, 或者如何让你的贷款全部被免除. 检查 out the checklist below to see how 金融大街 can help you navigate through your repayment journey.


  • 检查 nslds.ed.政府 for federal student loan balances, what status they’re in, and who holds them.
  • 检查 annualcreditreport.com for private loans and other credit balances (or contact your private loan holder or your school’s financial aid office).
  • 问题? 联系 your student loan servicer (where you send your payments).


  • Understand your federal and private loan repayment options—including the monthly payment amount, 还款期限, 不同还款方式的利息成本, 甚至可能是宽恕.
  • Look into an interest rate reduction through automatic payment with your servicer.
  • Take advantage of the Federal Tax Deduction for student loan interest the next time you file taxes


Inceptia has published the seventh annual Great Advice for Parents, an 电子指南 published through their partnership with personal finance site, NerdWallet. This collection of articles and tips is a resource for parents, 学生, educators and advocates on the college admissions process as well as a resource to help make informed financial choices.
